
I’m not waiting for superman
I’m a black woman no one rescues us
My mouth is quicker than a speeding bullet
Though I was taught to be silent
I learned double dutch and double standards
It’s not ladylike to climb trees and scale fences
Boys take out the trash and girls do the dishes
But what do you do when there are no boys in the house
You wash the dishes and take out the trash
My tits were graded in high school hallways
So I school my daughters on the warrior stance 
Head up
Eyes forward
No smiles
Walk swiftly
If clothes were made to accent the bulge between a man’s legs
More would be judged by the side of their dicks and not brains
But you think I hate men and compliments right
My attention is way too valuable for catcalls made to my pussy
Be careful how you acknowledge me 
I’m every woman close to you
Though you look straight through me
What you owe to me is respect and a mother fucking apology
Men don’t love us enough 
Unless we’re their female offspring
On our birthdays they brag about buying shotguns
And stand in doorways greeting boyfriends like national guards
Displaying bipolar actions when they spot an attractive woman a few yards away
Jack saw Jill walking up the block and got thirsty for her water
Jill declined he called her a bitch several times
I wonder what Jack will call his daughter when she says me too
Will he regret not teaching his sons self-control 
Or ask what she was doing
Will he understand why legislation says my uterus doesn’t measure up
Because my protection is a tampon not a cup
Men love war but can’t take the sight of blood in the bathroom once a month
Voting to stop my choice period
Women lose rights on the congress floor daily 
Because we’ve all worn Monica Lewinski’s dirty dress
A stiff dick in a suit never fixed shit
So why the fuck should I wait for superman


Suits and Ties

